by Andy Nowicki

Continued from parts 1, 2, and 3

Even if one ignores nakedly draconian "stay at home" orders still in effect across much of the world, and defiantly opts to leave his place of residence whenever,however, and for whatever reasons he pleases, out of a certain quaint belief in an unalienable right to personal liberty, he will still run into certain difficulties, given current circumstances.

For even if such a hearty soul manages to avoid getting fined, jailed, or otherwise molested by overzealous goons dispatched by some petty tyrant to punish dissent against an inherently unconstitutional edict, issued under a dubious claim to "emergency powers," and even if such a defiant one manages not to run afoul of snitch-happy neighbors, primed to snoop on malcontents and report miscreant behavior to authorities, he will still run up against a certain insurmountable problem: namely that, once he leaves his home, there is basically nowhere for him to go.

Public parks, he finds, are cordoned off with yellow tape, as if they were crime scenes. Access to beaches and other recreational areas are boarded up. Malls, bars, restaurants, and movie theaters are closed, basketball hoops and tennis nets have been removed from public play areas; games and competitive events have been altogether discontinued. So after a desultory journey of general futility, he will return to his domicile, little better for wear, his mental state altogether unrefreshed.

For such as him, the lockdown, which he defiantly resisted, became instead an effective lockout. He was able to escape house arrest, only to emerge into what has effectively become a "prison planet," whose rulers seem bent on causing him to feel enslaved even when he moves from his "in-place shelter," like one whose onerous bonds and heavy chains follow him wherever he goes, weighing him down in both  body and spirit.

What is more, he soon discovers that he has lost his job, on account of it being deemed "nonessential." He will presently receive a stimulus check from the government, of course, but those funds are unlikely to keep him afloat until the lockdown ends and things finally return to normal. What is more, he finds himself blitzed by demoralization propaganda, telling him that "normalcy" will in fact never arrive, and that he must instead prepare for the dawning of a nascent dispensation that his betters and their minions are now confidently declaring to be "the new normal."

This ominously ballyhooed "new normal," or "new way of life," he ascertains, will invariably (of course) involve greater restrictions on liberty of thought, speech, assembly, and movement. It will also be infinitely drearier and generally more bound up in irritating restrictions and obnoxious regulations.

And such was seemingly the point of this whole exercise from the very beginning. Even as we were first given our marching orders, to "stay home," "socially distance," and "shelter in place" indefinitely for the ostensible sake of public health, we were at the same time, it seems, determinedly demoralized by the same order-givers, who from the start went out of their way to be exhaustive dispellers of cheer and nonstop purveyors of doom and gloom. 

Indeed, their carefully curated portrayal of this ostensibly "newly normed" future was something very like the Orwellian dictum of "a boot kicking a human face, forever." The drudgery, they intimated, would be unrelenting and would last months, years, even decades. Our faces would indeed get kicked many times, and we would just have to learn to tolerate such abuse. It was unfortunate, of course, but highly necessary, and ultimately for our own good (even if it made us miserable).

The attempted normalization of the so-called "new normal" continues apace. Passivity, we are advised, would really be our best option on this front, since, it is implied, we really have little say on the matter, it being most assuredly above our pay grade. Best to leave such decisions to the experts, no? Complicity is urged upon us, even as we are shown an entirely grim picture of what will become of us once we do properly acquiesce to the designs of our betters.

It all makes for a quite peculiar style of propagandistic manipulation, since it features not the typical "threatening with a stick while enticing with a carrot" method favored by most social engineers. Today's manipulators seem, in fact, only to be brandishing sticks; instead of warning of pain while offering pleasure, we (their unwitting experimental subjects) are instead asked to volunteer for the supposedly right kind of pain, while scrupulously avoiding pain of the wrong kind.; pleasure, meanwhile, seems to have been altogether removed from consideration.

For example, if a person declines to wear a mask, or refuses invasive disease-detection testing or tracking, or opts not to be injected with any future vaccines, he will run the risk of being fined, arrested, or not allowed to travel freely, given the now openly-announced plans to mark vaccinated folk with a "tattoo" signifying their societal acceptability. 

So we are urged to be compliant, lest we receive a lashing of the "stick" of condemnation and social disfavor. But then, where is the "carrot" for the loyal and compliant?

Surprisingly, things are projected as altogether grim, even for those who readily leap through every proferred hoop, who obediently "stay home," losing their jobs and letting the economy tank at the behest of their ascendant masters; who only go out when absolutely necessary and always "mask up" whenever outside the house, who rush to queue at the local clinic when those same ascendant masters command them to offer up their veins for a needled syringe larded with all the latest junk deemed fit for their bloodstreams... Yet for all of their needful acquiescences, such people receive precious little encouragement.

Instead, if current rhetorical trends are any indication, these compliant citizens will only be perpetually told that the struggle is far from over, that sacrifices must continue to be made, that nothing will ever be normal again, so it is best simply to adjust their life expectations in order to conform with whatever their ascendant masters now declare the "new normal" to be.

Andy Nowicki, Affirmative Right "editor at large" is the author of eight books, including Under the NihilThe Columbine PilgrimConsidering Suicide, and Beauty and the Least. He occasionally updates his blog when the spirit moves him to do so. Visit his Soundcloud page and his YouTube channel


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